Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Monitoring IBM QRadar Persistent Folder

Recently on at least two occasions, I encountered a problem whereby the IBM QRadar Persistent Storage Folder '/store/persistent_queue/ecs-ec-ingress.ecs-ec-ingress/' fills up and causes a backlog of events. This means, events shown on the "Log Activity" tabs have a date in the past, even though the log sources are sending their logs in real time.

To monitor this folder, the following script was developed, which helps to detect this issue sooner rather than later. This script is configured to execute as a crond job.

#!/usr/bin/env python

# This script monitors the QRadar Presistent Storage Folder
# QRadarMonitorPersistentQueue.py
# This tool was designed to monitor the QRadar Persistent Storage Folder because of all the heartaches it is causing
# Currently there is no simpler way to monitor this folder for backblog

__author__ = 'Nik Alleyne'
__author_blog__ = 'www.securitynik.com'
__copyright__ = 'SecuityNik'
__credits__ = 'Nik Alleyne'
__version__ = '1.0.1'
__email__ = 'nikalleyne at gmail dot com'
__status__ = 'Production Ready'

import datetime
import os
import sys
import subprocess as sp
from socket import gethostname as hostname
import smtplib
import email.utils
from email.mime.text import MIMEText as mt

# Verify Qradar and OS version
def verify_os_qradar_version():
 # Clear the screen
 if ( sys.platform == 'linux2' ):
  print('[*] Running on Linux ...')
  print('[*] Checking QRadar Version ...')
  qradar_version = sp.check_output(['/opt/qradar/bin/getHostVersion.sh']).split('\n')[2]

  if (qradar_version.startswith('qradar')):
   print('[*] Found QRadar Version:{} '.format(qradar_version.split('=')[1]))
   print('[!] Unable to determine QRadar Version!')

  print('[*] Not running on Linux. Exiting ...')

# Cheeck the directory size 
def check_directory(num_files, dir_size):
 # Declare variables
 persistent_directory_path = '/store/persistent_queue/ecs-ec-ingress.ecs-ec-ingress/'
 max_files = 10 #10 files
 max_dir_size = 10000000000 #10GB
 current_dir_size = 0

 # Check if the directory path exists
 print('[*] Checking for directory {} ...'.format(persistent_directory_path))
 if ( (os.path.exists) and ( os.path.isdir(persistent_directory_path)) ):
  print('\t[*] Directory found ...')

  # Get the directory size
  current_dir_size = sp.check_output(['du', '--bytes', '/store/persistent_queue/ecs-ec-ingress.ecs-ec-ingress/']).split('\t')[0] 
  # Check whether their are more than 10 files or the directory is larger than 10GB
  if (( len(os.listdir(persistent_directory_path)) < max_files ) or ( current_dir_size < max_dir_size )) :   
   print('\t[*] Current number of file is: {} '.format(len(os.listdir(persistent_directory_path))))
   print('\t[*] Directory size is: {} Bytes '.format(current_dir_size))
   print('[***] System looks ok! [***]:-)')
   print('\t[!] Current number of files in the directory: {} '.format(len(os.listdir(persistent_directory_path))))
   print('\t[!] Current Directory size is: {} Bytes '.format(current_dir_size))
   print('[!!!] Possible issue with the persistent queue!')
  print('[!] Error! Directory not found!')

 return len(os.listdir(persistent_directory_path)), current_dir_size

# Setup and send email
def mailer(num_files, dir_size):
 print('[*] In Mailer!!')

 #You will have to formal the email below properly
 send_to = ['Nik Alleyne <nik alleyne at gmail dot com>']
 send_from = email.utils.formataddr(('IBM QRadar' , 'IBMQRadar@securitynik.local'))
 qradar_version = sp.check_output(['/opt/qradar/bin/getHostVersion.sh']).split('\n')[2]

 # Read Qradar Device Hostname
 msg_body = '[*] Running on host: {} \n' .format(hostname())
 msg_body = msg_body + '\n[*] Current QRadar Version: {} \n'.format(qradar_version.split('=')[1])
 msg_body = msg_body + '\n[*] Persistent Folder: /store/persistent_queue/ecs-ec-ingress.ecs-ec-ingress/ \n'
 msg_body = msg_body + '\n[*] Current Status as of {} \n'.format(datetime.datetime.now())
 msg_body = msg_body + '\n[*] Current Number of files: {} \n'.format(num_files)
 msg_body = msg_body + '\n[*] Current Directory Size in Bytes:{}B \n'.format(dir_size)
 msg_body = msg_body + '\n[*] Current Directory Size in MBs: {}M'.format(int(dir_size)/1000000)
 msg_body = msg_body + '\n[*] Current Directory Size in Gigs: {}G'.format(int(dir_size)/1000000000) 
 msg_body = msg_body + '\n\n ***Powered By Sirius Computer Solutions *** \n\n'
 print('[*] Preparing to send mail ... ')
 msg = mt(msg_body)
 msg['To'] = ','.join(send_to)
 msg['From'] = send_from
 if ( (num_files < 10 ) and (int(dir_size) < 10000000000 ) ):
  msg['Subject'] = '[**] {} :: INFORMATIONAL - Monitoring of Persistent Queue [**]'.format(hostname())
  msg['Subject'] = '[!!] {} :: POTENTIAL PROBLEM - Persistent Queue is growing [!!]'.format(hostname())

 send_mail = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')

      # once again, you will have to properly format the email    
   send_mail.sendmail(send_from, 'nikalleyne at gmail dot com' , msg.as_string())
   print('[*] Mail sent successfully!')
  print('[!] Ooops! Looks like an error occurred while sending the mail.') 


# main function
def main():
 print('[*] In Main!')
 num_files,dir_size = check_directory(0,0)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Here is an example of the output from the email once the script runs successfully

Subject: [**] qradar.securitynik.local :: INFORMATIONAL - Monitoring of Persistent Queue [**]

[*] Running on host: qradar.securitynik.local
[*] Current QRadar Version: "7.3.2"
[*] Persistent Folder: /store/persistent_queue/ecs-ec-ingress.ecs-ec-ingress/
[*] Current Status as of 2019-09-27 16:35:26.033240
[*] Current Number of files: 3
[*] Current Directory Size in Bytes:104962873B
[*] Current Directory Size in MBs: 104M
[*] Current Directory Size in Gigs: 0G

 *** Powered By SecurityNik ***

Hope someone else who is having this problem can find this script useful.