Saturday, November 10, 2018

Visualizing your Zeek (Bro) data with Splunk - dns.log (dns logs)

DNS logs are one of the most critical logs into what is going on in your environment. Like HTTP, there is a push towards encrypting DNS traffic also. This is being pushed by OpenDNS, via its DNSCrypt, Cloudflare and now IETF.

Similarly to the previous posts, we need to understand the structure of the DNS logs before we begin to parse it. Let's do that.

root@securitynik-host:/opt/bro/logs/current# bro-cut -C < dns.log | head --lines=10 --verbose
#fields ts      uid     id.orig_h       id.orig_p       id.resp_h       id.resp_p       proto   trans_id        rtt     query   qclass  qclass_name     qtypeqtype_name       rcode   rcode_name      AA      TC      RD      RA      Z       answers TTLs    rejected
#types  time    string  addr    port    addr    port    enum    count   interval        string  count   string  count   string  count   string  bool    bool bool     bool    count   vector[string]  vector[interval]        bool
1541376001.059940       CvWBmNcrGUcDWf60g    52542  53      udp     43942   0.047960 1       C_INTERNET    28      AAAA    0       NOERROR F       F       T       T       0       2607:f8b0:400b:80e::2003        300.000000      F
1541376003.063949       C2xxe74mFxdHKzMfHj    50157  53      udp     1261    0.039924 1       C_INTERNET    1       A       0       NOERROR F       F       T       T       0   300.000000      F

Let's now identify the Splunk query that will extract these fields.

index=_* OR index=* sourcetype=Bro-Security-Monitoring source="/opt/bro/logs/current/dns.log" NOT "#fields" NOT "\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00" NOT ""
| rex field=_raw "(?<ts>.*?\t)(?<uid>.*?\t)(?<orig_h>.*?\t)(?<orig_p>.*?\t)(?<resp_h>.*?\t)(?<resp_p>.*?\t)(?<proto>.*?\t)(?<trans_id>.*?\t)(?<rtt>.*?\t)(?<query>.*?\t)(?<qclass>.*?\t)(?<qclass_name>.*?\t)(?<qtype>.*?\t)(?<qtype_name>.*?\t)(?<rcode>.*?\t)(?<rcode_name>.*?\t)(?<aa>.*?\t)(?<tc>.*?\t)(?<rd>.*?\t)(?<ra>.*?\t)(?<z>.*?\t)(?<answers>.*?\t)(?<ttls>.*?\t)"
| stats count by ts,uid,orig_h,orig_p,resp_h,resp_p,proto,trans_id,rtt,query,qclass,qclass_name,qtype,qtype_name,rcode,rcode_name,aa,tc,rd,ra,z,answers,ttls

Now that we have all the fields extracted, as we were able to do previously, we can now obtain statistics on specific fields. Let's first take a look at the top 50 domains seen in our "dns.log" file.

index=_* OR index=* sourcetype=Bro-Security-Monitoring source="/opt/bro/logs/current/dns.log" NOT "#fields" NOT "\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00" NOT ".arpa" 
| rex field=_raw "(?<ts>.*?\t)(?<uid>.*?\t)(?<orig_h>.*?\t)(?<orig_p>.*?\t)(?<resp_h>.*?\t)(?<resp_p>.*?\t)(?<proto>.*?\t)(?<trans_id>.*?\t)(?<rtt>.*?\t)(?<query>.*?\t)(?<qclass>.*?\t)(?<qclass_name>.*?\t)(?<qtype>.*?\t)(?<qtype_name>.*?\t)(?<rcode>.*?\t)(?<rcode_name>.*?\t)(?<aa>.*?\t)(?<tc>.*?\t)(?<rd>.*?\t)(?<ra>.*?\t)(?<z>.*?\t)(?<answers>.*?\t)(?<ttls>.*?\t)" 
| stats count by query 
| sort -count limit=50

As always, similar to how you pay attention to the top domains seen, it is also important to look at the least seen. Let's use the following query to get that information. Remember, unique values can stand out in such a way that makes you wonder why it is there.

index=_* OR index=* sourcetype=Bro-Security-Monitoring source="/opt/bro/logs/current/dns.log" NOT "#fields" NOT "\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00" NOT ".arpa" 
| rex field=_raw "(?<ts>.*?\t)(?<uid>.*?\t)(?<orig_h>.*?\t)(?<orig_p>.*?\t)(?<resp_h>.*?\t)(?<resp_p>.*?\t)(?<proto>.*?\t)(?<trans_id>.*?\t)(?<rtt>.*?\t)(?<query>.*?\t)(?<qclass>.*?\t)(?<qclass_name>.*?\t)(?<qtype>.*?\t)(?<qtype_name>.*?\t)(?<rcode>.*?\t)(?<rcode_name>.*?\t)(?<aa>.*?\t)(?<tc>.*?\t)(?<rd>.*?\t)(?<ra>.*?\t)(?<z>.*?\t)(?<answers>.*?\t)(?<ttls>.*?\t)" 
| rare limit=50 query

Now that's it for visualizing Zeek (Bro) DNS data. See you in the next post where we look at x509 logs.


Posts in this series:
Visualizing your Zeek (Bro) data with Splunk - The Setup
Visualizing your Zeek (Bro) data with Splunk - conn.log (connection logs)
Visualizing your Zeek (Bro) data with Splunk - http.log (http logs)
Visualizing your Zeek (Bro) data with Splunk - dns.log (connection logs)
Visualizing your Zeek (Bro) data with Splunk - x509.log (connection logs)

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