In this series of
posts, I’m going through the Open Security Training for beginning Assembly Language and thus am putting my
own spin on things to enhance my knowledge of x86 disassembly. However, to make
the most of these tutorials you may be better of reviewing the material from Open Security Training directly.
Let’s get started!
Here is the code to help us:
* This file focuses on learning the basics of
* The objective is to get a better understanding of
how these are disassembled in C
* Author Nik Alleyne
* Blog:
* File: memcpy.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <memory.h>
int main()
mySrc[] = "";
printf(" [Before Memcpy] | \n
-> mySrc @ [%p] contains '%s' \n
-> myDst @ [%p] contains '%s'
\n", &mySrc, mySrc, &myDst, myDst);
printf(" -=-=-=-=-=-||-=-=-=-=-=-\n");
memcpy(myDst, mySrc, sizeof(myDst));
printf(" [After Memcpy] | \n
-> mySrc @ [%p] contains '%s' \n
-> myDst @ [%p] contains '%s'
\n", &mySrc, mySrc, &myDst, myDst);
return 0;
Here is what this looks like when executed:
Memcpy] |
mySrc @ [0019FEF4] contains ''
myDst @ [0019FEE4] contains 'É@'
Memcpy] |
mySrc @ [0019FEF4] contains ''
myDst @ [0019FEE4] contains ''
And here is the disassembly
int main()
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,20h
mySrc[] = "";
mov eax,dword ptr
mov dword ptr
mov ecx,dword ptr ds:[00404004h]
mov dword ptr
mov edx,dword ptr
mov dword ptr
mov eax,dword ptr
mov dword ptr
printf(" [Before Memcpy] | \n
-> mySrc @ [%p] contains '%s' \n
-> myDst @ [%p] contains '%s'
\n", &mySrc, mySrc, &myDst, myDst);
lea ecx,[ebp-20h]
push ecx
lea edx,[ebp-20h]
printf(" [Before Memcpy] | \n
-> mySrc @ [%p] contains '%s' \n
-> myDst @ [%p] contains '%s'
\n", &mySrc, mySrc, &myDst, myDst);
push edx
lea eax,[ebp-10h]
push eax
lea ecx,[ebp-10h]
push ecx
push 404010h
call 004010D0
add esp,14h
printf(" -=-=-=-=-=-||-=-=-=-=-=-\n");
push 40406Ch
call 004010D0
add esp,4
memcpy(myDst, mySrc, sizeof(myDst));
push 10h
lea edx,[ebp-10h]
push edx
lea eax,[ebp-20h]
push eax
call 004027F6
add esp,0Ch
printf(" [After Memcpy] | \n
-> mySrc @ [%p] contains '%s' \n
-> myDst @ [%p] contains '%s'
\n", &mySrc, mySrc, &myDst, myDst);
00401064 lea ecx,[ebp-20h]
push ecx
lea edx,[ebp-20h]
push edx
lea eax,[ebp-10h]
push eax
lea ecx,[ebp-10h]
push ecx
push 404088h
call 004010D0
add esp,14h
return 0;
xor eax,eax
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
00401086 ret
Now that we have both our code and
disassembly, let’s get going!
As always, the disassemble codes
starts off with the function prologue “push ebp” and
“mov ebp,esp”. To learn more about function prologue and epilogue, see
this post.
Next instruction states “sub esp,20h”.
This means 32 bytes is being allocated on the stack for our two variables.
These are the “char mySrc[]” and “char myDst[]”. Before executing this
instruction, let’s take a look at our registers …
EAX = 0F1F1944 EBX = 00275000 ECX = 00000001 EDX = 0040447C ESI = 00401490 EDI = 00401490 EIP = 00401003 ESP = 0019FF04 EBP = 0019FF04 EFL = 00000202
.. and now our stack
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ.. – ESP – top of the stack
0x0019FF08 0040147e ~.@.
0x0019FF0C 00000001 ....
0x0019FF10 004ecff8 øÏN.
0x0019FF14 004ec940 @ÉN.
0x0019FF18 0019ff70 pÿ..
0x0019FF18 0019ff70 pÿ..
From above we see “ESP = 0019FF04” contains “0019ff18”.
After execution, our registers contain …
EAX = 0F1F1944 EBX = 00275000
ECX = 00000001 EDX = 0040447C ESI = 00401490
EDI = 00401490 EIP = 00401006 ESP = 0019FEE4 EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000206
… and our stack loos like …
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@. – Current ESP
0x0019FEE8 00000001 ....
0x0019FEEC 00000001 ....
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ..
0x0019FEF4 004011f3 ó.@.
0x0019FEF8 00000000 ....
0x0019FEFC 0019ff10 .ÿ..
0x0019FF00 0f1456e5 åV..
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ.. – EBP
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ.. – EBP
If we were to subtract the current
value of ESP “0019FEE4” from
the value of EBP “0019FF04” , we
will get a value of “0x20” which is basically 32 bytes. This represents the
space allocated for the two variables.
Moving along to the next instruction
“mov eax,dword ptr ds:[00404000h]”. When we take at the data segment “00404000h”
we see the following:
0x00404000 75636573 secu
0x00404004 79746972 rity
0x00404008 2e6b696e nik.
0x0040400C 006d6f63 com.
0x0040400C 006d6f63 com.
Basically our pointer address “00404000h”
is the beginning of our string “”.
Going back to our instruction “mov eax,dword
ptr ds:[00404000h]”, this means that we will move the first 4 bytes of our string which starts
at address “00404000h” into the EAX register.
Executing the instruction and
looking at the registers we see …
EAX = 75636573 EBX = 00275000 ECX = 00000001
EDX = 0040447C ESI = 00401490 EDI = 00401490
EIP = 0040100B ESP = 0019FEE4 EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000206
As we can see from above, the value
in the EAX registers matches that of our memory print out above.
Our next instruction “mov dword ptr
[ebp-10h],eax” now takes our EAX value and puts it into “[ebp-10h]”. Basically
we are taking our 4 bytes EAX value and placing it into the space allocated for
From the above printout of the
registers we know that “EBP = 0019FF04”. Hence as we look at our stack, we
see that ”[ebp-10h]” contains “”
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@. – [EBP-32]
0x0019FEE8 00000001 .... – [EBP-28]
0x0019FEEC 00000001 .... – [EBP-24]
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ.. – [EBP-20]
0x0019FEF4 004011f3 ó.@. –
0x0019FEF8 00000000 .... – [EBP-12]
0x0019FEFC 0019ff10 .ÿ.. – [EBP-8]
0x0019FF00 0f1456e5 åV.. – [EBP-4]
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ - EBP
After execution of the instruction,
we see the ”[ebp-10h]” now contains the value “EAX = 75636573” which is in EAX regiser.
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@. – [EBP-32]
0x0019FEE8 00000001 .... – [EBP-28]
0x0019FEEC 00000001 .... – [EBP-24]
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ.. – [EBP-20]
0x0019FEF4 75636573 secu – [EBP-16]
0x0019FEF8 00000000 .... – [EBP-12]
0x0019FEFC 0019ff10 .ÿ.. – [EBP-8]
0x0019FF00 0f1456e5 åV.. – [EBP-4]
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ - EBP
Our next instruction “mov ecx,dword
ptr ds:[00404004h]” then takes the next 4 bytes within our string and place
that into the ECX register.
Looking at our registers above we
see “ECX = 00000001”. After executing the instruction,
we see the registers showing …
EAX = 75636573 EBX = 00275000 ECX = 79746972
EDX = 0040447C ESI = 00401490 EDI = 00401490
EIP = 00401014 ESP = 0019FEE4 EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000206
Next instruction “mov dword ptr
[ebp-0Ch],ecx” says to now take value in ECX and place it at [ebp-0Ch], which
is basically [EBP-12]. As we can see above, [ebp-0Ch] is below [EBP-16].
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@. – [EBP-32]
0x0019FEE8 00000001 .... – [EBP-28]
0x0019FEEC 00000001 .... – [EBP-24]
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ.. – [EBP-20]
0x0019FEF4 75636573 secu – [EBP-16]
0x0019FEF8 79746972 rity – [EBP-12]
0x0019FEFC 0019ff10 .ÿ.. – [EBP-8]
0x0019FF00 0f1456e5 åV.. – [EBP-4]
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ - EBP
Looking at above, we can see our
string is being chunked into 4 bytes pieces and placed unto the stack.
Executing the next instruction “mov edx,dword
ptr ds:[00404008h]” says to move the value at the memory address “00404008h”
into the EDX register. Above we see the “EDX = 0040447C”. After execution of the
instruction, and the printout of the registers, we see …
EAX = 75636573 EBX = 00275000
ECX = 79746972 EDX = 2E6B696E
ESI = 00401490 EDI = 00401490 EIP = 0040101D
ESP = 0019FEE4 EBP = 0019FF04 EFL = 00000206
Similar to the two previous instructions, the next
instruction “mov dword ptr [ebp-8],edx” moves the value in EDX to [ebp-8].
After execution, we see the following …
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@. – [EBP-32]
0x0019FEE8 00000001 .... – [EBP-28]
0x0019FEEC 00000001 .... – [EBP-24]
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ.. – [EBP-20]
0x0019FEF4 75636573 secu – [EBP-16]
0x0019FEF8 79746972 rity – [EBP-12]
0x0019FEFC 0019ff10 .ÿ.. – [EBP-8]
0x0019FF00 0f1456e5 åV.. – [EBP-4]
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ - EBP
Looking at above, we can see our
string is being chunked into 4 bytes pieces and placed unto the stack.
Executing the next instruction “mov edx,dword
ptr ds:[00404008h]” says to move the value at the memory address “00404008h”
into the EDX register. Above we see the “EDX = 0040447C”. After execution of the
instruction, and the printout of the registers, we see …
EAX = 75636573 EBX = 00275000
ECX = 79746972 EDX = 2E6B696E
ESI = 00401490 EDI = 00401490 EIP = 0040101D
ESP = 0019FEE4 EBP = 0019FF04 EFL = 00000206
Similar to the two previous instructions, the next
instruction “mov dword ptr [ebp-8],edx” moves the value in EDX to [ebp-8].
After execution, we see the following …
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@. – [EBP-32]
0x0019FEE8 00000001 .... – [EBP-28]
0x0019FEEC 00000001 .... – [EBP-24]
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ.. – [EBP-20]
0x0019FEF4 75636573 secu – [EBP-16]
0x0019FEF8 79746972 rity – [EBP-12]
0x0019FEFC 2e6b696e nik. – [EBP-8]
0x0019FF00 0f1456e5 åV.. – [EBP-4]
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ - EBP
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ - EBP
Yet again another move instruction. The instruction
“mov eax,dword ptr ds:[0040400Ch]”. This instruction moves the value at memory
address “0040400Ch” and places it into the EAX register. From what we have been
doing so far at this point we should know this is the last 4 bytes of our
string “”. from above we see “EAX = 75636573”. After
execution, we see the registers containing …
EAX = 006D6F63 EBX = 00275000 ECX = 79746972
EDX = 2E6B696E ESI = 00401490 EDI = 00401490
EIP = 00401025 ESP = 0019FEE4 EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000206
Now that the value has been moved to the EAX
register, executing the next instruction “mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax” moves the
value in eax to our stack thus building out our string “”.
Looking at the stack after execution we see …
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@. – [EBP-32]
0x0019FEE8 00000001 .... – [EBP-28]
0x0019FEEC 00000001 .... – [EBP-24]
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ.. – [EBP-20]
0x0019FEF4 75636573 secu – [EBP-16]
0x0019FEF8 79746972 rity – [EBP-12]
0x0019FEFC 2e6b696e nik. – [EBP-8]
0x0019FF00 006d6f63 com. – [EBP-4]
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ - EBP
At this point we have completed building out our
string on our stack for the variable “mySrc”
Since we have occupied the first 16
bytes after the EBP for “mySrc”, the next 16 bytes is for the “myDst” variable.
Looking at the “printf()” statement
… we see the first instruction “lea ecx,[ebp-20h]”.
This loads the effective address for [ebp-20h], which is EBP-32 in decimal. As
we look above, the value at “ebp-20h” is at address “0x0019FEE4”. Hence after execution, this value
is placed in the ECX register as shown below.
EAX = 006D6F63 EBX = 00275000 ECX = 0019FEE4
EDX = 2E6B696E ESI = 00401490 EDI = 00401490
EIP = 0040102B ESP = 0019FEE4 EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000206
The next instruction “push ecx”
pushes the value in the ECX register to the top of the stack upon execution as
shown below.
0x0019FEE0 0019fee4 äþ.. – ESP now points here
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@.
0x0019FEE8 00000001 ....
0x0019FEEC 00000001 ....
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ..
0x0019FEF4 75636573 secu
0x0019FEF8 79746972 rity
0x0019FEFC 2e6b696e nik.
0x0019FF00 006d6f63 com.
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
The next instruction “lea edx,[ebp-20h]”,
once again takes the address of [ebp-20h] but this time stores it in EDX
register as shown below after execution.
EAX = 006D6F63 EBX = 00275000
ECX = 0019FEE4 EDX = 0019FEE4
ESI = 00401490 EDI = 00401490 EIP = 0040102F
ESP = 0019FEE0 EBP = 0019FF04 EFL = 00000206
Once again, there is a push
instruction “push edx” which now pushes the value of EDX unto the stack. As we
know this value is the same as our previous push. Looking at our stack after
the push we see …
0x0019FEDC 0019fee4 äþ.. – ESP now points here
0x0019FEE0 0019fee4 äþ..
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@.
0x0019FEE8 00000001 ....
0x0019FEEC 00000001 ....
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ..
0x0019FEF4 75636573 secu
0x0019FEF8 79746972 rity
0x0019FEFC 2e6b696e nik.
0x0019FF00 006d6f63 com.
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
The next instruction “lea eax,[ebp-10h]”
loads the address at “[ebp-10h]” which is basically [ebp-16] in decimal “0x0019FEF4 which is also the “mySrc” variable which also points to the beginning of our
string “”.
Looking at the registers after the
instruction is executed we see …
EAX = 0019FEF4 EBX = 00275000 ECX = 0019FEE4
EDX = 0019FEE4 ESI = 00401490 EDI = 00401490
EIP = 00401033 ESP = 0019FEDC EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000206
The next instruction “push eax” now
pushes the value in the EAX register, unto the stack. After execution, when we
look at the stack, we see …
0019fef4 ôþ.. – ESP now points here
0x0019FEDC 0019fee4 äþ..
0x0019FEE0 0019fee4 äþ..
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@.
0x0019FEE8 00000001 ....
0x0019FEEC 00000001 ....
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ..
0x0019FEF4 75636573 secu
0x0019FEF8 79746972 rity
0x0019FEFC 2e6b696e nik.
0x0019FF00 006d6f63 com.
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
Next instruction states “lea ecx,[ebp-10h]”,
which once again loads the address of “mySrc”. However, this time it stores the
value in the ECX register. After execution, we see the registers look as
follows …
EAX = 0019FEF4 EBX = 00275000 ECX = 0019FEF4
EDX = 0019FEE4 ESI = 00401490 EDI = 00401490
EIP = 00401037 ESP = 0019FED8 EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000206
The next instruction “push ecx” now
pushes the value in “ecx” unto the top of the stack. Looking at the stack after
execution of the instruction we see …
0x0019FED4 0019fef4 ôþ.. – ESP now points here
0x0019FED8 0019fef4 ôþ..
0x0019FEDC 0019fee4 äþ..
0x0019FEE0 0019fee4 äþ..
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@.
0x0019FEE8 00000001 ....
0x0019FEEC 00000001 ....
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ..
0x0019FEF4 75636573 secu
0x0019FEF8 79746972 rity
0x0019FEFC 2e6b696e nik.
0x0019FF00 006d6f63 com.
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
At this point, we have pushed the
arguments for “printf()” unto the stack in the following order:
“myDst”, “&myDst”, “mySrc”, “&mySrc”. Notice the values were pushed in the reverse order unto the stack.
“myDst”, “&myDst”, “mySrc”, “&mySrc”. Notice the values were pushed in the reverse order unto the stack.
Our next instruction “push 404010h”,
pushes the address of the string in printf() unto the stack. If we take a look
at the address “404010h”, we see our string …
0x00404010 65425b20 [Be
0x00404014 65726f66 fore
0x00404018 6d654d20 Mem
0x0040401C 5d797063 cpy]
0x00404020 0a207c20 | .
Now that we have push all the
arguments and the pointer to our string unto the stack, the next instruction “call
004010D0” calls the printf() function leveraging the arguments and string from
the stack.
Since the objective is not to
analyze the printf() function, I will now “step over” the instruction “call 004010D0”
Our next instruction “add esp,14h”
basically adds 20 bytes to the stack, thus cleaning up the space which was used
for the pushing the arguments and its string unto the stack.
At this time I’m ignoring the
following instruction:
push 40406Ch
0040104A call
0040104F add
Which is related to printing the
line “-=-=-=-=-=-||-=-=-=-=-=-\n”
Time to take a quick basic look at “memcpy”
changing the location of items in memory.
The first instruction “push 10h”
says to push the value 16 unto the stack. This is basically our argument “sizeof(myDst)”
After executing the instruction
“push 10h” the stack looks like
00000010 .... – ESP now points here
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@.
0x0019FEE8 00000001 ....
0x0019FEEC 00000001 ....
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ..
0x0019FEF4 75636573 secu
0x0019FEF8 79746972 rity
0x0019FEFC 2e6b696e nik.
0x0019FF00 006d6f63 com.
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
Our next instruction “lea edx,[ebp-10h]”
says to take the address at “[EBP-16]” decimal which is “0x0019FEF4” and places it in the “edx”
register. After execution, when we look at the registers we see …
EAX = 0000001A EBX = 00275000
ECX = ADBD27E9 EDX = 0019FEF4
ESI = 00401490 EDI = 00401490 EIP = 00401057
ESP = 0019FEE0 EBP = 0019FF04 EFL = 00000206
The next instruction “push edx” now
pushes the value in EDX register unto the stack. This value is basically the
beginning address to our string on the stack which is our second argument for
memcpy “mySrc”. Looking at our stack after execution we see …
0x0019FEDC 0019fef4 ôþ.. - ESP now points here
0x0019FEE0 00000010 ....
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@.
0x0019FEE8 00000001 ....
0x0019FEEC 00000001 ....
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ..
0x0019FEF4 75636573 secu
0x0019FEF8 79746972 rity
0x0019FEFC 2e6b696e nik.
0x0019FF00 006d6f63 com.
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
The next instruction “lea eax,[ebp-20h]”
takes the address of our third “memcpy” argument “myDst” and loads it into the “eax”
register. After execution our registers show …
EAX = 0019FEE4 EBX = 00275000 ECX = ADBD27E9
EDX = 0019FEF4 ESI = 00401490 EDI = 00401490
EIP = 0040105B ESP = 0019FEDC EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000206
Our next instruction “push eax” now
pushes the address of our argument “myDst” unto the stack. Looking at the stack
after execution we see …
0x0019FED8 0019fee4 äþ..
0x0019FEDC 0019fef4 ôþ..
0x0019FEE0 00000010 .... -
0x0019FEE4 00401490 ..@.
0x0019FEE8 00000001 ....
0x0019FEEC 00000001 ....
0x0019FEF0 0019fefc üþ..
0x0019FEF4 75636573 secu
0x0019FEF8 79746972 rity
0x0019FEFC 2e6b696e nik.
0x0019FF00 006d6f63 com.
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
At this point we now have all the
arguments to “memcpy” on the stack. Thus our next instruction “call 004027F6”
calls the “memcpy” function.
At this point, we will “step over”
the “call 004027F6” instruction rather than trying to go deep into “memcpy”
internal operations.
Once we step over and take a look at
our stack we see …
0x0019FED8 0019fee4 äþ..
0x0019FEDC 0019fef4 ôþ..
0x0019FEE0 00000010 ....
0x0019FEE4 75636573 secu
0x0019FEE8 79746972 rity
0x0019FEEC 2e6b696e nik.
0x0019FEF0 006d6f63 com.
0x0019FEF4 75636573 secu
0x0019FEF8 79746972 rity
0x0019FEFC 2e6b696e nik.
0x0019FF00 006d6f63 com.
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
From above we can see our “myDst”
variable now has the value which is also in “mySrc”.
At this point, even though there are
other instructions to be executed, but there is not much analysis for us to
perform that would add to the learnings.
The rest of the instructions are
more around the “printf()” function.
Other posts in this series:
2. Beginning
x86 disassembly – Understanding function arguments and variables with Visual
Studio 2017
8. Beginning
x86 disassembly – Understanding the basics of “memcpy” with Visual Studio 2017
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