In this series of
posts, I’m going through the Open Security Training for beginning Assembly Language and thus am putting my
own spin on things to enhance my knowledge of x86 disassembly. However, to make
the most of these tutorials you may be better of reviewing the material from Open Security Training directly.
Let’s get started!
Let’s get started!
To understand for statements, let’s start with the code below:
* This file focuses on flow control via
unconditional jumps using the "for" statement
* The objective is to get a better understanding of
how these are disassembled in C
* Author Nik Alleyne
* Blog:
* File: flow_control_for.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i;
for (i = 0;
i < 10; i++)
printf("Hey We Are Making Progress!!\n");
… and here is the disassembled code
int main()
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
push ecx
int i;
for (i = 0;
i < 10; i++)
mov dword ptr
jmp 00401016
mov eax,dword ptr
add eax,1
mov dword ptr
cmp dword ptr [ebp-4],0Ah
jge 0040102B
printf("Hey We Are Making Progress!!\n");
push 404000h
call 00401080
add esp,4
jmp 0040100D
xor eax,eax
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
Let’s now get into the code. As
always, the first set of code “push ebp” and “mov ebp,esp” relates to the prologue, which you can learn
more about in this
The next instruction “push ecx”
pushes 4 bytes unto the stack to accommodate the local variable “int i”. If we
take a look at the registers before we push, we see “ecx” has a value of “1”.
This is the value currently of the number of arguments when this code is
executed at the command line. In this case the value is “1” because the only
argument is the actual compiled code which is being executed.
EAX = 0F291944 EBX = 0023F000 ECX = 00000001 EDX = 004043B4 ESI = 00401440 EDI = 00401440 EIP = 00401003 ESP = 0019FF04 EBP = 0019FF04 EFL = 00000202
If we take a quick glance at the stack we see the following:
EAX = 0F291944 EBX = 0023F000 ECX = 00000001 EDX = 004043B4 ESI = 00401440 EDI = 00401440 EIP = 00401003 ESP = 0019FF04 EBP = 0019FF04 EFL = 00000202
If we take a quick glance at the stack we see the following:
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ.. – EBP pointing
to the top of the stack
0x0019FF08 0040142e ..@. – Return Pointer
0x0019FF0C 00000001 .... – EBP+8 points to the argument count
0x0019FF10 005a43c0 ÀCZ.
0x0019FF14 005ac940 @ÉZ.
0x0019FF18 0019ff70 pÿ..
0x0019FF1C 00401310 ..@.
As a result, when “push ecx” is executed, ECX is pushed unto the top of the stack, the value “1” will be there. However, this is not a major concern at this time as will be overwritten to begin the loop from “0”.
Next instruction states “mov dword ptr [ebp-4],0”. This instruction moves “0” into “ebp-4” which is the memory addressed being used for “int I”.
Looking at the registers after this
instruction is executed we see
EAX = 0F291944 EBX = 0023F000 ECX = 00000001 EDX = 004043B4 ESI = 00401440 EDI = 00401440 EIP = 0040100B ESP = 0019FF00 EBP = 0019FF04 EFL = 00000202
EAX = 0F291944 EBX = 0023F000 ECX = 00000001 EDX = 004043B4 ESI = 00401440 EDI = 00401440 EIP = 0040100B ESP = 0019FF00 EBP = 0019FF04 EFL = 00000202
Looking at the stack we see
0x0019FF00 00000000 .... – EBP-4 – Now has a value of “0”
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ.. - EBP
0x0019FF08 0040142e ..@.
0x0019FF0C 00000001 ....
0x0019FF10 005a43c0 ÀCZ.
0x0019FF14 005ac940 @ÉZ.
0x0019FF18 0019ff70 pÿ..
0x0019FF18 0019ff70 pÿ..
So is the current value of “i” is
Next instruction states “jmp
00401016” which moves execution to the instruction at memory address
“00401016”. This instruction is “cmp dword ptr [ebp-4],0Ah”. This compares
“ebp-4” which is the value of “i” and currently is “0” to 10. At the same time
it sets the “EFLAGS”.
Let’s take a look at these flags
after execution has been completed for the “cmp”
OV = 0 UP = 0 EI = 1 PL = 1
ZR = 0 AC = 1 PE = 1 CY = 1
The next instruction state “jge
0040102B”. This will make a jump if the value in “ebp-4” is greater than or
equal to the value “0Ah” which is 10 in hex. More specifically, this will be
executed if “SF = OF”. In Visual Studio parlance, this would be the “PL = OV”.
As we can see above, these two flags are not the same “OV = 0” and “PL = 1”. As
a result, after this instruction is executed, it will execute the next
instruction in the sequence as the “jge” will not be executed.
The next instruction is “push
404000h”. This takes the value at memory address “404000h” and puts it at the
top of the stack. This will be the value that “printf()” function will execute.
Looking at the registers first:
EAX = 0F291944 EBX = 0023F000
ECX = 00000001 EDX = 004043B4 ESI = 00401440
EDI = 00401440 EIP = 00401021 ESP = 0019FEFC EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000297
Now looking at the stack, we see
that the value “404000h” which is the pointer to our string has been placed at
the top of the stack
0x0019FEFC 00404000 .@@.
0x0019FF00 00000000 ....
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ..
0x0019FF08 0040142e ..@.
0x0019FF0C 00000001 ....
0x0019FF10 005a43c0 ÀCZ.
0x0019FF14 005ac940 @ÉZ.
0x0019FF14 005ac940 @ÉZ.
Looking at the memory address
“404000h” which is at the top we see:
0x00404000 20796548 Hey
0x00404004 41206557 We A
0x00404008 4d206572 re M
0x0040400C 6e696b61 akin
0x00404010 72502067 g Pr
0x00404014 6572676f ogre
0x00404018 21217373 ss!!
0x0040401C 0000000a ....
0x0040401C 0000000a ....
We will now “step over” the next
instruction “call 00401080” which is calling the “printf()” function. Once we
“step over” this, we see the following on our console (screen) “Hey We Are
Making Progress!!”.
This brings us to the end of our
first loop. In this case “I = 0”.
Continuing the loop!
The next instruction states to “add
esp,4”. If we remember from the two previous memory dumps and register output,
ESP points to “ESP = 0019FEFC”. If we “add esp, 4”, we will be adding “4” to the ESP value,
thus the new ESP value will be “0019FF00”. If we look in the 2nd
memory dump above going back from here, we see that at this location is the
value “0” which relates to “ebp-4” which is the location being used for “int i”
variable. Once this instruction is executed the next instruction is “jmp
The “jmp 0040100D” instruction sends
execution back to memory location “0040100D” which holds the instruction “mov
eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]”.
Instruction “mov eax,dword ptr
[ebp-4]” says to move the value at “[ebp-4]” memory address which from above we
know is “0”. Let’s look at the register
before execution:
EAX = 0000001D EBX = 0023F000 ECX = 398E4B0C
EDX = 0F290BA4 ESI = 00401440 EDI = 00401440
EIP = 0040100D ESP = 0019FF00 EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000216
… and after execution:
EAX = 00000000 EBX = 0023F000 ECX = 398E4B0C
EDX = 0F290BA4 ESI = 00401440 EDI = 00401440
EIP = 00401010 ESP = 0019FF00 EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000216
Now that the value “0” at “[ebp-4]”
has been moved to the “eax” register, the next instruction states “add eax,1”.
This now means that the value in “eax” will be “1” after execution. This is
because the current value in “eax” is 0, so 0+1 which is 1. Let’s execute this.
EAX = 00000001 EBX = 0023F000 ECX = 398E4B0C EDX = 0F290BA4 ESI = 00401440 EDI = 00401440 EIP = 00401013 ESP = 0019FF00 EBP = 0019FF04 EFL = 00000202
EAX = 00000001 EBX = 0023F000 ECX = 398E4B0C EDX = 0F290BA4 ESI = 00401440 EDI = 00401440 EIP = 00401013 ESP = 0019FF00 EBP = 0019FF04 EFL = 00000202
Next instruction states “mov dword
ptr [ebp-4],eax”. This now takes the “1” which is in “eax” and places it in the
value of “int i” which is found at “[ebp-4]”. After executing the instruction,
we see the stack looks like:
0x0019FF00 00000001 .... – [EBP-4] now has a value of 1.
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ.. - EBP
0x0019FF08 0040142e ..@.
0x0019FF0C 00000001 ....
0x0019FF10 005a43c0 ÀCZ.
0x0019FF14 005ac940 @ÉZ.
0x0019FF18 0019ff70 pÿ..
0x0019FF18 0019ff70 pÿ..
Next instruction “cmp dword ptr
[ebp-4],0Ah” is basically the same from above and is comparing the value of 1
to see if it is greater than or equal to 10. Taking a look again at the
“EFLAGS” after execution we see:
OV = 0 UP = 0 EI = 1 PL = 1
ZR = 0 AC = 1 PE = 0 CY = 1
The next instruction “jge 0040102B” will not jump to memory address “0040102B” as 1 is not greater than or equal to 10. More specifically, the value in “[ebp-4]” is not greater than or equal to 0Ah (10 decimal). Therefore the next instruction in this sequence will be “push 404000h”. If we remember from above, this will push a pointer to our string "Hey We Are Making Progress!!\n" unto the stack and this string will then be used by “printf()” which is being called via “call 00401080”.
The next instruction “jge 0040102B” will not jump to memory address “0040102B” as 1 is not greater than or equal to 10. More specifically, the value in “[ebp-4]” is not greater than or equal to 0Ah (10 decimal). Therefore the next instruction in this sequence will be “push 404000h”. If we remember from above, this will push a pointer to our string "Hey We Are Making Progress!!\n" unto the stack and this string will then be used by “printf()” which is being called via “call 00401080”.
Once these “push 404000h” and “call
00401080” are executed we see the following on our screen …
Hey We Are Making Progress!!
Hey We Are Making Progress!!
At this point our loop count is 1.
Now you may be wondering if we are comparing 1 why is it there are two outputs.
This is because the counting begins at “0”. Thus if we are at count 1, we now
have 2 elements which are printed.
For brevity, I’m skipping the rest
of the loop for 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and will go straight to what happens after 9 is
Here is the printout for up to the 9th
Hey We Are Making Progress!!
Hey We Are Making Progress!!
Hey We Are Making Progress!!
Hey We Are Making Progress!!
Hey We Are Making Progress!!
Hey We Are Making Progress!!
Hey We Are Making Progress!!
Hey We Are Making Progress!!
Hey We Are Making Progress!!
Hey We Are Making Progress!!
At this point we are once again at
instruction “mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]”. Let’s see what is at “[ebp-4]” now
first by looking at the registers to see where EBP is
EAX = 0000001D EBX = 0023F000
ECX = 398E4B0C EDX = 0F290BA4 ESI = 00401440
EDI = 00401440 EIP = 0040100D ESP = 0019FF00 EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000216
… and now our memory dump from the
0x0019FF00 00000009 .... – [ebp-4] – now has a value of 9
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ.. - EBP
0x0019FF08 0040142e ..@.
0x0019FF0C 00000001 ....
0x0019FF10 005a43c0 ÀCZ.
0x0019FF14 005ac940 @ÉZ.
0x0019FF18 0019ff70 pÿ..
0x0019FF18 0019ff70 pÿ..
from above we see the value of “9”
is at “[ebp-4]”. When the instruction “mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-4]” is executed, 9
will be moved into the “eax” register. Let’s execute the instruction and see
what we get:
EAX = 00000009 EBX = 0023F000 ECX = 398E4B0C
EDX = 0F290BA4 ESI = 00401440 EDI = 00401440
EIP = 00401010 ESP = 0019FF00 EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000216
Now that we have “9” in the “eax”
register, the next instruction says to “add esp, 1”. This means after
execution, the value in “EAX” will equal “A”. Let’s execute the instruction and
look at the registers again
EAX = 0000000A EBX = 0023F000 ECX = 398E4B0C EDX = 0F290BA4 ESI = 00401440 EDI = 00401440 EIP = 00401013 ESP = 0019FF00 EBP = 0019FF04 EFL = 00000206
Good stuff, EAX = 0000000A.
Next instruction “mov dword ptr [ebp-4],eax” says to move the value in “eax” which is “10” to “[ebp-4]”. If we remember from the most recent stack printout above [ebp-4] has a value of 9. This instruction will now change that to 10 (A). Let’s execute the instruction and print out the first few bytes on the stack:
0x0019FF00 0000000a .... [ebp-4] – now has a value of 10
0x0019FF04 0019ff18 .ÿ.. ebp
0x0019FF08 0040142e ..@.
0x0019FF0C 00000001 ....
0x0019FF10 005a43c0 ÀCZ.
0x0019FF14 005ac940 @ÉZ.
0x0019FF18 0019ff70 pÿ..
0x0019FF18 0019ff70 pÿ..
Next instruction “cmp dword ptr
[ebp-4],0Ah”. Once again we are comparing the value in “[ebp-4]” which is “a” or
10 to see if it is greater than or equal to “0Ah” (10). At this point the
instruction is executed with the “EFLAGS” showing as follows:
OV = 0 UP = 0 EI = 1 PL = 0
ZR = 1 AC = 0 PE = 1 CY = 0
If we remember from above the
overflow “jge” requires that the “SF = OF”. In this case that would be “PL =
OV”. From above we an see that “PL = 0” and “OV = 0”. At this time, it would be safe to
conclude that our next instruction “jge 0040102B” will jump to the instruction
at memory address “0040102B” which is “xor eax,eax”.
The instruction “xor eax,eax” will
zero out the eax register which will be our default return value. If you remember
above, the code does not have a “return” statement. Let’s look at the registers
after this execution.
EAX = 00000000 EBX = 0023F000 ECX = 398E4B0C
EDX = 0F290BA4 ESI = 00401440 EDI = 00401440
EIP = 0040102D ESP = 0019FF00 EBP = 0019FF04
EFL = 00000246
The next set of instructions “mov
esp,ebp” and “pop ebp” is part of the epilogue which you can learn more about
in this post.
That’s it for the understanding for
loops via disassembly
Other posts in this series:
2. Beginning
x86 disassembly – Understanding function arguments and variables with Visual
Studio 2017
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